新闻 2024年6月17日


亚洲体育博彩平台 selected to advise multi-billion-dollar rail programs in Ontario for next five years


赢得! 雅各布斯获得了战略咨询公司 & Commercial Management Services Contract (SACMS) with Metrolinx’s Capital Projects Group. 

Metrolinx 领导安大略省历史上最大的交通投资, created to improve the coordination 和 integration of all modes of transportation in the Greater Toronto 和 Hamilton area of Canada. As a consultant with Metrolinx since 2010 – including providing owner’s engineer 和 program management services for three new light rail transit lines 和 maintenance facilities – this new contract honors our track record 和 will further tap into our 全球项目管理经验.

The five-year SACMS contract establishes a framework of vendor firms that Metrolinx will call upon for current 和 future work for a range of services critical to delivery as their capital projects develop. 亚洲体育博彩平台 will leverage high-value consulting services to provide strategic advisory, commercial & 理赔管理,项目管理和其他交付支持.

“随着我们继续与Metrolinx合作, we’ll integrate 和 leverage our local 和 international resources to meet their evolving needs,雅各布斯副总裁兼项目总监说, 主要项目, 尼尔•沃克. “凭借我们的全球项目管理经验,包括交付美国项目管理公司.K.’s 横木 和 麦迪逊中央车站 在纽约市, we’re well-positioned to support Metrolinx transformative projects as they pioneer progressive contracting 和 delivery models 和 prepare for introducing reliable new rail services.

The SACMS contract provides an opportunity to bring wider expertise to Metrolinx as they progress capital projects, 比如GO Transit的扩建, 地铁和快速交通网络, 通过实现. Our support of Metrolinx will bring these vital projects into use 和 pioneer alternative forms of project delivery in the Canadian transportation market. 

关于铁路 & 在雅各布斯过境

您的旅程是否包括跟上容量需求的步伐, 加速技术创新, 确保安全, 或者维持现有的交通网络, we’re on board to serve all aspects of high‐speed 和 conventional passenger rail, 货运及物流, 大众/公共交通和创新公交解决方案. 

探索我们的铁路 & 运输解决方案
